Virginity- A specimen of morality.

Does the morality of a woman lie between her legs? This is something we usually hear in all those debates associated with the common phenomena of the so called virginity issue. According to the society, virginity means the state of never having had sexual intercourse and a virgin means a person who never had sex. Different cultures have defined  sex and losing virginity in different ways but we better don’t get in to it now(you can just google it). We all know virginity is not something which is limited to the female species of the spectrum and rather, it is equally applicable to the male ones too. However, there is a stigma associated with the former ones. But why? May be it is because they have long hair but pardon I have seen males with much longer hair or may be, it is because of that biological extra more and extra less something that they got. Still , it doesn’t make any sense and the question remains, if it’s a proper basis for such a blemish particular to them.tumblr_m3rltrqFwC1ql1152o1_1280

She is brave, kind, daring but she is not a virgin then she is a whore, look this deformity attached to it is more mental than physical. It arises when women is considered as a sacred property that is reserved for that special someone whose purity and sacredness have to be kept for that particular one to be delighted. And here is the funniest paradoxical twist! The virginity of that special someone is not questionable(no surprise!). If you just google virginity you can see results like ‘How to find whether your girlfriend is a virgin or not? ‘Find out if your girl’s seal is broken or not’.( come on guys she is not a product). It is true that virginity is a real issue for the Indian society as we usually say ours is a traditional society( of course there is pride in it). Traditions have to be kept but at the same time they have to be kept at their limits. It should not evolve into a criteria for judging the people and their morality. But now ours is no longer a patriarchal society and we are grateful to our Courts for all the righteous path they have adopted to hold fast gender equality. Moreover,our Constitution , fundamental rights and Directive Principles of State Policy also got a huge role in such transformation . The thing is, they can only create an under structure above which we have to build the rest. It happens only when we realise that women are no longer a status symbol and sex does not always have to be addressed as a taboo. Virginity is only a state of mind and if you are so much concerned about the physical change, you have to know that the mucous membranes that surrounds or partially covers the opening of vagina replaces themselves even after sex leaving no evidence of it (just to give them a  scientific relief). It is also significant to say that men are not the only one who gauge on this basis but sometimes more than them women themselves are very much judgemental. So it is high time we discern that virginity is not an evidence of a woman’s honour, dignity or decency and losing it is her personal choice just like the decisions she makes. If males can love a women faithfully even after having sex with others then so does his counterparts.( we ain’t being feminazis here.. Applicable  the other way too! )

Virginity is constructed by our society . Nobody realises that it could be lost just by a thought.

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